Camp Sloane YMCA Starts In

Gift the gift of camp: DONATE TO OUR ANNUAL CAMPAIGN

Share Your Story

We would love for you to share your Sloane story with us.

We use these stories in our blog, on our website, and in our marketing. Don’t worry, we won’t post your name without your permission but we do like to post the years that you were at camp. 

Not sure what to share? We are looking for your memories from your time at camp, what you remember the most and we’d love to hear about how camp impacted your future.


Birch Bark Newsletter - Alumni Announcements

We would love to start a section in our Birch Bark Newsletter for Alumni Updates and Announcements. If you have experienced something big in your life and want to keep your Sloane family “in the know,” then please send in your story! We are hoping to collect enough that this can be an ongoing column in the newsletter.


Share Your Story