Camp Sloane YMCA Starts In

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Job Descriptions


Applications for summer 2024 are open.

See full job descriptions by clicking the position title. 

Counselor In Training (CIT): The CIT program is open to rising 12th graders who are looking to take the next step in their camp journey. CITs complete a 4-week staff program where they assist in all areas of camp, living in tents with younger campers and working in an activity area, learning to teach classes. The CIT program is extremely competitive as we only have limited spaces. Applying as early as the end of the previous camp season is recommended. Find out more here.

Camp Counselor: We look to hire Camp Counselors who have completed at least one year of post-high school experience and are a minimum of 18 years of age. College experience is preferred but if you can show you have skills you can apply to work at camp that you have developed through other experiences such as work or travel we are happy to hear from you. You must demonstrate a passion for working with children and a commitment to helping them grow and develop a positive sense of self and character. All our counselors work both as an activity instructor and as an in-tent role model to their own group of campers.

Activity Director: Every activity area has a Director assigned to manage and organize its day-to-day operation. Activity Directors support and coach counselors and campers at all times and are exemplary role models. They should be over 20 years old and have previous camp or management experience. 

Village Director: There are 8 Village Directors (VDs) - 4 for the Hill (girls+) and 4 for the Valley (boys+). Each camp has two VDs for the younger campers (Pioneers & Juniors) and two VDs for the older campers (Seniors & Students). Village Directors plan every aspect of their village's day - from scheduling staff duty rotations, to handling camper mail, to planning village evening programs.

Teen Director: The Teen Director runs LEAD - a 2-week leadership program for rising 11th graders who are interested in one day becoming camp counselors. The director schedules & runs leadership workshops, as well as organizes shadowing experiences for the LEAD campers in different activity areas.

Hill & Valley Camp Directors: Each half of camp, The Valley (boys+) and The Hill (girls+), is split by grade into 4 villages. The Hill & Valley Camp Directors oversee all of the residential life aspects of camp and work to ensure that the 6 Village Directors have everything they need to run their villages successfully.  

Senior Program Director: The Senior Program Director supervises the Activity Directors and oversees all aspects of programming - including organizing camper activity schedules, creating Tent Bonding Time schedules, and providing coaching and feedback to all activities staff.

Summer Assistant Director: This is a unique and varied position, with a few different roles & responsibilities, including overseeing residential life, supporting staff as the 'Staff Liaison', which involves organizing staff appreciation events and getting feedback from staff about camp; planning and running our all-camp theme days each session; and doing some driving (of both campers and staff) when required.

Day Camp Director: The Day Camp Director oversees our whole day camp program - consisting of 120+ campers and 20 staff. They supervise the Day Camp Program Director, and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the day camp, staff training & management, and interacting with parents on a daily basis.

Driver/Transportation Coordinator: Our Camp Driver is responsible for coordinating all staff and camper travel. This position involves good organizational skills and a clean driving record. You must be at least 21+.

Camp Nurse: We have residential (full summer or 2-week commitment) and per diem opportunities for Registered Nurses in our modern Health Lodge facility. Nurses must be registered in the state of Connecticut and provide valid certificates and licenses. We pay extremely competitive rates and offer a free camp session for any children. Please download the full job description below and contact the camp director for more information. 

Office Staff: Work with our Business Manager answering phones, administering camper and staff information, and running our camp store. Our busy and dynamic office is the front line in providing A-class customer service to the parents of our campers. Knowledge of Microsoft Office and camp registration software is preferred as well as experience with answering phones and customer service skills.

Maintenance Staff: Our Maintenance staff keeps the heart of our camp beating by keeping everything in working order, building new things, managing the grounds, and keeping all facilities clean. Our experienced year-round Facilities Director and Caretaker will work with you and help you grow as an individual and part of the Camp Sloane Maintenance team. Any labor skills and driving license preferred commitment and passion for hard work required. 

Kitchen Staff: Keeping our campers and staff fed each day is no mean feat. Our dynamic kitchen staff work with our professional food service to provide high-quality and nutritious foods at every meal. Experience in the food service industry is preferred.